Semente de Chia

Projeto Magrelas


Boa tarde Magrelas!

Muitas de vocês já devem ter ouvido da semente de Chia, mas vocês conhecem os benefícios dessa sementinha?!

A Chia é originária do México e da Colômbia, não só auxilia na perda de peso como também traz vários outros benefícios para quem faz o uso contínuo dela em seu cardápio por ser fonte de proteínas, fibras dietéticas, ácidos graxos (ômega 3 e 6), vitaminas do complexo B (tiamina, riboflavina, niacina) e minerais (cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, zinco, potássio e cobre).

A semente de  chia tem ação anti-inflamatória e quando consumida, forma um gel que protege a mucosa do estômago, podendo ser utilizada para o combate à gastrite, além de prolongar a sensação de satisfação e contribuir para o consumo de porções reduzidas nas refeições.

Alguns outros benefícios da semente de Chia são: ação antioxidante, controle do diabetes, redução do risco de doenças  cardiovasculares, dislipidemia em indivíduos que apresentam sobrepeso, combate a…

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Weight training benefits for women

Fabian Thorne Built2Last

If you are set on a cardio program and avoid weight training because it is geared towards “bulking up” consider these benefits of weight lifting for women. A weight training program, customized for your fitness goals by a personal trainer, can be very beneficial for the types of goals women generally have, perhaps even more so than cardio.

Weight Loss Benefits
When it comes to weight loss, training with weights can burn more calories than when your body engages in a cardio program. Weight training sheds fat and tones muscles, making your body trimmer and more defined. Because muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat, the more toned and strong your muscles are the more calories you will burn both during and after your workout. So your everyday activities such as climbing stairs, carrying your baby, doing housework, are being used more efficiently by your body to burn…

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The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

Climate Change for Families

Severn Cullis-Suzuki, daughter of David Suzuki, addresses the very first U.N. Conference on Climate Change in Rio.

A 12-year old girl from Canada traveled to Brazil and spoke to the United Nations Earth Summit to speak the truth with such power and grace that she silenced the world. She called on grownups to follow the same rules we teach our children. She defined the role of the climate negotiators then and today her words ring truer than when she spoke them. Her speech has been heard by millions.

21 years later and we still don’t have all the answers. Maybe we can’t erase all the damage we’ve done to our planet since then but we can start to do our best now in 2013, and get our neighbors and our leaders to do their best with us.

“If you don’t know how to fix it, stop breaking it.” We can’t wait any…

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Brazil: Courts Ban Newspaper from Reporting Corruption

The Firewall

Courts uphold prior censorship of Brazilian newspaper, which cannot report on political controversy since 2009 | Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas

Judges from the Brazilian capital decided on Wednesday, May 22, to uphold an order to censor newspaper Estado de S. Paulo, which continues to be unable to publish news stories about a police operation that involved relatives of prominent politician José Sarney, reported the newspaper.

In 2009, Judge Dácio Vieira ruled in favor of businessman Fernando Sarney — Senator José Sarney’s son — who asked to prevent the newspaper from reporting on the “Boi Barrica operation,” in which he was being investigated. The judge said the proceedings of the case were to remain outside the public domain.

Various organizations publicly opposed the prior censorship of the newspaper. Paula Martins, director of Article 19 in South America, said the judges’ decision was “absolutely disproportional” and “completely ignores the intrinsically public character of the topic being discussed: the possible acts of illegality and corruption.”

via Courts uphold prior censorship of Brazilian newspaper, which cannot report on political controversy since 2009 | Knight Center for Journalism…

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Bolsa Familia | Rumors Rampant

The New World Lusophone Sousaphone


An intriguing case of moral panic marketing grabbed Brazilian headlines this week as beneficiaries of an income subsidy for impoverished families reacted to a rumor that the subsidy would be cancelled.

Press coverage of the case has been as confused as the speculations surrounding it, with situation and opposition trading insinuations.

The Sunday Folha de S. Paulo, for example, questions the official version, according to which the Caixa Economica Federal had reacted to the rumors with an adjustment to its payment calendar with the story of a beneficiary who withdrew her benefits days before these were due to be paid — part of an unannounced system test, the Caixa told the Folha.

In the Estado de S. Paulo, a later admission by President Rousseff that human error may have played a role and an order to supporters to await the end of the investigation before drawing public…

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